Last edited one year ago
by Demo writer

5 Business continuity

In the event that the management is unable to act for a short period of time or permanently, suitable persons of trust who will continue the business should be named. Contact persons for various areas are listed below. These must be contacted for more detailed business continuity arrangements.

Immediate responsibilities

Responsibility Contacts
Advisory board There is an advisory board.

Contact: Mr. Maximilian Bauer

Crisis team People to be considered when setting up the crisis management team:

Head of finance, head of product development, all team leads

External communication All customer inquiries and other external inquiries are directed by the communications manager.
Processing of payment relationships Will be taken over by Ms. Angela Brückenmeier. This must consult with the crisis management team.
Responsibility for production and service processes Responsibility is assumed by the team leads of the respective departments.

Confidential documents

Confidential information is passed on to the crisis team and the advisory board via the company lawyers.