Last edited one year ago
by Sarah Naumann


no minutes available

Initial situation and requirements

YourCompany came to us in February 2017 to build a wiki system. MediaWiki was tested as an alternative and was not user-friendly enough. In addition, it lacked many functionalities of BlueSpice.


Create a new installation profile.

Link to the Hallo Welt! internal test system:

Project history

Year Milestone Contact
2017 Setup Wikisystem Sarah Naumann

Technical notes for Maintenance and Support

  • External Access: VPN
  • Internal deployment notes: no special features
  • Special processes (e.g.: maintenance cycles, cooperation partners, handling of the staging system, etc.): IT-Systemhaus is the main service provider

Marketing and Sales

  • Special contractual arrangements (maintenance, framework contract): none
  • Usable screenshots: none

Other notes and experiences