Making an offer

Document type: Work instruction
Document ID: WI-S-01
Assigned standards: ISO 9001:2015 - 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Process owner: Emma Røgeberg
Roles affected: Sales Agent
Business unit: Sales
Approval state: Approved (Version: 5)
Approval by: Monique Williams
Approval date: 16:51:42, 14 August 2024 
Valid from: December 1, 2021
Valid until: December 31, 2024 red
Internal audit due: July 6, 2022

Purpose / Goals

An offer is made at the request of the customer. The quality and content of the offer are of great importance here. The aim of these work instructions is to create an offer that leads to a signed contract and takes into account the interests of the customer and our company.

Assigned process

Work instruction

Responsible Step Procedure Needed tools
Sales agent Document requirements in Odoo FileCheck and evaluate the documented requirements in Odoo systems, checklists,

physical tools

Generate an offer FileComplete the template "Offer" Odoo
Sales manager Check the offer FileDescription of the service

FileTerms and conditions


FilePrices and additional costs (net and gross values)

FilePayment conditions


FileValidity period of the offer

Sales agent Send offer via email Odoo
Rework the offer after feedback from client Odoo, Email