Last edited one month ago
by Demo writer

Procurement of materials

Document type: Process description
Document ID:
Assigned standards: ISO 9001:2015 - 8 Operation
Process owner: User:Erogeberg
Roles affected:
Business unit: 100
Approval state: First draft (Version: 0)
Approval by:
Approval date:
Valid from:
Valid until:
Internal audit due:

Purpose / goals

Material procurement largely includes purchasing tasks. This includes determining the order quantity, obtaining and comparing offers, placing orders, checking incoming goods and storing the goods.

The purpose of the Procurement process is to structure the purchasing processes and sourcing strategies to ensure that the services and goods we acquire are the result of objective as well as time- and cost-effective decision making.


Process that precedes this process.


Process that follows this process.

Process steps

R=Responsible party; P= Participants in the process
Steps Work instruction Output
Request form Submit purchase request who? who?
Assess vendors
Negotiate terms
Create purchase order
Receive and inspect the delivered goods
Conduct three-way matching
Approve invoice
Arrange payment
Close out request

Process diagram

drawio: Process_diagram_for_Procurement_of_materials

Performance indicators

How are the goals measured?


What could go wrong? What are possible sources of error?


What resources are necessary to complete the process?


Systems, software, tools,...

Personnel / Qualifications

What roles are needed to perform this process?

Supporting documents

Which documents are related to this process (policies, guidelines, checklist templates, ...) ?


Any observations or reports that confirm the effectiveness of this process (completed checklists, meeting minutes, interviews, ...).

No categories assignedEdit
